About Me

I am a Senior Computer Science major at the Georgia Institute of Technology with concentrations in Artifitial Intelligence and Modeling/Simulation. I am interested in all things software development, but am especially interested in the intersection of computer science and finance.

Personal Projects

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Polygon.io Backtester

Backtesting framework developed for the GTSF Investments Committee Quant Sector using data from Polygon.io

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Cryptocurrency Price Aggregator

Aggregate the best bid and offer for a wide variety of currency pairs across several exchanges. Project to learn Go.

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Threes Solver

A Monte Carlo method of choosing optimal action in the dice game Threes

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Hacklytics 2020

Winner: Best Use of MongoDB at Hacklytics 2020. A machine learning based approach to growing one's Instagram following.

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HackSC 2020

Runner Up: Equity at HackSC 2020. "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein... That shouldn't be the case

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GTA V Casino Expected Return

Mathematically guarantee a long term profit at the casino in Grand Theft Auto by appropriately sizing bets according to expected return.

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GT Major Grade Distribution

An analysis of grade distrubtion by major at Georgia Tech

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